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Post Covid 19 Scenario and its Impact on Future Education

Prospects and Challenges of Indian Economy in Post Covid 19 Scenario and its Impact on Future Education and Career

Greetings from Eastern Regional Office of the Institute Of Chartered Accountants Of India.

In the present pandemic situation, when the educational institutions  are closed , we would be  holding  a webinar on  Sunday, 12th July from 10 am to  12 Noon    on  ‘ Prospects and Challenges of Indian Economy in Post Covid 19 Scenario and its Impact on Future Education and Career”.  

We are pleased to have Dr Suman  Mukerjee , Economist and  Eminent Speaker to deliver  on the topic  . There would also be  a  brief narration  on  ‘ Chartered Accountancy: As a Career Option’ addressed by an accomplished Chartered Accountant.

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is a statutory body established on 1st July, 1949 by an Act of Parliament, viz., The Chartered Accountants Act, 1949, for regulating the profession of Chartered Accountancy in the country. The Institute functions under the administrative control of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India. As part of our career counselling initiatives, we hold counselling sessions in schools and colleges to brief the students about the Chartered Accountancy course and help students take the best-suited decision for their future and come out of the dilemma of choosing the best career option.

This would help students of your college  to learn by logging to their computers at the comfort of their homes under the present conditions and make efficient use of time.

Following is the link for students to register for Webinar on Prospects and Challenges of Indian Economy in Post Covid 19 Scenario and its Impact on Future Education and Career on Jul 12, 2020 10:00 AM IST at:

Students can join the webinar only from GoToWebinar browser app or mobile app.

Steps to be followed by the students for joining the webinar:: 

Step 1 – click on the link.

Step 2 – fill the form – First Name, Last Name, Email Address. Click on Register.

Step 3 – a mail containing the webinar joining link will go to their Email Address.

Step 4 – click on the link, received in the Email Address, to join the Webinar on  scheduled date & time.

E-certificates would be issued to attendees.

With Regards

CA Nitesh Kumar More

Eastern India Regional Council

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

7 Anandilal Poddar Sarani (Russell Street)

Kolkata – 700071

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