sri sri academy
ATTENTION: PRE NURSERY - UPPER NURSERY (NEW ADMISSION) Check school website on February 21st 2025 for section allotment and other details related to session 2025-2026.

Unknown Factor

Jai Guru Dev!
Dear Principals,
We request you to kindly forward this mail to the parents and invite them to join the session via webcast on 14th February 2020.
The invitation is enclosed herewith!!

Dear one,

It is with great pleasure to invite you to be part of the Unknown Factor during the International Women’s Conference 2020. A unique dialogue with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, facilitated by Vishen Lakhiani.

Kids are filled with wonder! What about you?

Know more at:

Stay open to the Unknown

It’s not about what or about how, it’s about WOW!
“A sense of astonishment brings wakefulness, and when we are awakened, we see that the whole creation is full of wonders. If one doesn’t get awed by the magnificence of this creation, his or her eyes are yet to open.”
~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Join the session

Join the event at the International Art of Living Centre or from your home through the webcast!
Date: 14th February 2020
Time: from 7 to 8pm IST

Register at or click here:

Best wishes,